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- Wealth Management
- Aurator Asset Management

Aurator Asset Management
In Turku, Evli Plc operates under the name Aurator Asset Management. Aurator provides you tailored asset management services for assets totaling over 100,000 euros. We manage our clients’ assets independently and in cooperation with each client, in accordance with the terms agreed. We draw on our heritage, broad expertise and Nordic values to grow and manage wealth for private persons, institutions and corporations in a responsible way.
Tailored asset management
Our asset management is active and independent. Market conditions change rapidly, and we also make quick investment decisions when needed. In addition to following the market actively, we get deeply familiar with our investment targets.
Our asset management services also cover bonds as well as fund-, property-, capital- and insurance-based investments. For each client, we tailor a total package which best serves his/her individual requirements and expectations.
Completely discretionary portfolio management
We offer our clients completely discretionary portfolio management. We take care of the client’s investment decisions affecting his/her portfolio independently, and we can react to changes in market conditions rapidly. Together with the agreed game rules, we ensure that portfolio risk and yield targets correspond to our clients’ wishes.
Although we manage investment decisions independently, our clients can monitor their investment portfolio via our web-based service.
Economic security for post-active career athletes
Aurator has long experience in the asset management of professional sportspeople and the special demands it imposes. There are many top athletes amongst our clientele. In addition, we administer a fund for athletic training and professional advancement, the purpose of which is to ensure a stable income for sportspeople also after their active careers have ended.
We assist our athletic clients in all matters linked with asset management. For example, the taxation questions of a competitive athlete abroad or post-career income-related planning are part of our comprehensive range of services.
Get in touch so we can discuss more about what kind of tailored whole we can offer you.
Athletes’ Training and Professional Advancement Foundation (Suomen urheilijoiden koulutus- ja ammatinedistämissäätiö)
Aurator administers the Finnish Athletes’ Training and Professional Advancement Foundation’s fund. The purpose of the foundation is to advance and support the training of athletes as well as graduate diploma certification for careers, professional development and adapting otherwise to post-sports career life.

Experts at Your Service
Aurator was established in 1996. Our specialists serve you in all questions related to asset management.
Connect with us
Aurator Asset Management
+358 2 6516 6630
Aurakatu 8, 3rd floor
FI-20100 Turku, Finland