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Responsibility is an area of strategic importance for Evli, and during 2020 we have systematically continued to further advance our responsible investing. One of our development objectives has been towards innovations in how we report on the responsibility (ESG) of Evli’s funds. Our newly updated ESG reports provide investors with one of the broadest and most comprehensive reviews of fund responsibility.

“Transparency is an integral part of Evli's responsible investing, which is why it was natural for us to be the first in Finland to start the public ESG reporting of funds back in 2017. Our updated reports now include some familiar key ESG figures from previous reports, such as the ESG rating and the UN Global Compact corporate responsibility analysis. There are also plenty of new analyses, for example in terms of climate indicators and reputation risk,” says Outi Helenius, Head of Sustainability at Evli Bank.

Due to the continually growing importance of climate change, the updated reports include several indicators related to climate change management, which now forms a separate category of its own. Regarding climate indicators, the report presents the fund's carbon footprint calculated in accordance with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the fund’s share of companies owning fossil fuel reserves, as well as the classification of the companies' low carbon transition, based on MSCI’s analysis.

As a whole, the ESG report for each fund consists of the fund's basic facts, ESG key figures, indicators of the investment’s reputational risk, and climate indicators. The report also shows the development of the fund’s ESG ratings and its carbon footprint, as well as the fund's ten largest investments. In addition, the report provides a description of the fund's ESG strategy, approaches to responsible investing, fund-specific exclusions, and a detailed explanation of Evli's engagement work.

Like Evli's previous ESG reports, the updated reports are based on MSCI's ESG database. MSCI is an independent ESG analysis company with an extensive global database.

Read more: 

The fund-specific ESG reports are available from the fund-specific information as well as from the ESG summary page > 


Learn more about Evli’s responsible investing from our renewed web pages > 


For more information: 


Outi Helenius, Head of Sustainability, Evli Bank Plc, tel:+358 40 720 6859, 


Evli's commitments and investor initiatives:


Evli Bank signed the UN’s Principles for Responsible Investment  (UNPRI) in 2010 and has been an investor member of the CDP since 2007 and a member of Finsif - Finland’s Sustainable Investment Forum since 2010. Evli is involved in several joint engagement projects, such as the CDP's investor letters, the Climate Action 100+ project and the PRI's joint advocacy efforts towards the oil and gas sector. 


PRI- signatory logo



Climate Action 100 logo



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