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Evli has been selected as one of the most inspiring workplaces in Finland in 2021 in a survey of employees conducted by Eezy Flow. Evli achieved excellent results in the PeoplePower® employee survey, which is conducted annually for hundreds of Finnish organisations, and was ranked 5th place in the category of medium-sized organisations.

According to Eezy Flow, Evli has already been moving in the right direction in recent years regarding the employee experience. Based on the survey results, employees feel they have a genuine opportunity to influence the work atmosphere in the company and, furthermore, they are also committed to Evli's values.

The most inspiring workplaces in Finland recognition shows that Evli continuously invests in developing its operations by listening to employees' views on issues important to the company. The employees are enthusiastic, motivated, and dedicated to working towards the company's goals and growing the business. In addition, they have strong confidence in the decision-making ability of the management team.

"At Evli, we’ve also just had a productive year. This is a testament to the success of the work we do together every day and I would like to warmly thank all our employees for their fantastic and successful work, and also for making Evli an inspiring place to work," says Maunu Lehtimäki, CEO of Evli.

"An inspiring workplace supports well-being and perseverance, as well as generating innovation and delivering results even during a pandemic."

At Evli, particular attention has been paid to making remote work more enjoyable and the staff have been offered lectures on well-being and self-motivation. Likewise, a strong effort was made to focus on remote management during these prolonged, exceptional pandemic circumstances. Coaching and guidance was provided to managers on leadership, particularly on remote management.

"We received valuable feedback from our personnel through the PeoplePower® employee survey, which provided supervisors and HR with tools for leadership and developing well-being at work. The survey allowed individuals to reflect on their own work, their immediate work area, their leaders and the organisation as a whole, and to provide constructive feedback. At the same time, I would like to highlight the personnel event we organised, featuring a 20’s-themed dinner show, where the turnout was tremendous, and the spirits ran high. It brought a real sense of togetherness and team spirit to this time when much of our activity has been based remotely. Despite the pandemic, our strong company culture has remained intact. An enthusiastic, motivated and dedicated personnel is a huge asset," says Mari Etholén, Evli's HR and Legal Director.

PeoplePower® -employee survey

To be eligible for recognition as one the most inspiring workplaces in Finland, the Eezy employee survey needs to be completed. This is a recognition of Finnish working life which is awarded annually to the best organisations that have participated in the Eezy Flow PeoplePower® survey. The recognition reflects both the high level of commitment of the personnel and the long-term and inclusive development of the company's activities. Eezy Flow conducts the survey for hundreds of Finnish organisations each year, with more than 150,000 people responding each year.

Evli has previously been included in the survey since 2017 in the category of medium-sized organisations (150-1000 employees). If a company’s score exceeds the PeoplePower® rating of 73.2 in the AA index used by the Eezy Flow, it can be included among the most inspiring workplaces in Finland. In this case, in terms of dedication and in all sub-areas of the employee survey, the results are clearly above the norm, i.e. the average peer group level. Evli's peer group is Expert Organisations in Finland and within that group, Evli has the highest rating, AAA (81.5). Only 6 percent of companies reach this level.

Read more about Finland's most inspiring workplaces


For more information, please contact:

Mari Etholén, Head of HR and Legal Affairs, Evli Bank Plc, tel. +358 40 591 0432,

Maunu Lehtimäki, CEO, Evli Bank Plc, tel. +358 50 553 3000,

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