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LapWall is a Finnish construction material company that produces prefabricated wooden construction elements for both residential and non-residential buildings. The company operates through its three production facilities located in Finland. LapWall’s business model is centered around its LEKO® element system that covers everything from element design to installation. LapWall was founded in 2011 and currently employs roughly 115 personnel. The company was listed to the First North Growth Market in 2022.
The sluggish residential construction market has decreased demand for LapWall's wooden wall element products during 2023-2024. While the wall elements market remains difficult, the firm's expansion into roof element capabilities has proven fruitful, with roof element demand holding up better. The company is currently investing in its Pyhäntä factory to triple the capacity. We forecast 2023-2024 to be the cycle-low in terms of earnings and expect that the company will continue its profitable growth as market stabilizes throughout 2025-2028 and LapWall gains market share.

Financial overview

Equity research

LapWall - The installation work of the wooden element manufacturer is underway at the construction site.
Lap Wall primary logo
LapWall - Surprising guidance revision

LapWall revised its 2024 financial guidance range yesterday, the positive update in terms of profitability guidance eases the short-term uncertainty. The updated net sales forecast matches our current estimate, while the EBITA guidance is significantly higher than we had anticipated.

Analyst comment |
LapWall - The installation work of the wooden element manufacturer is underway at the construction site.
Lap Wall primary logo
LapWall - Near term uncertainty masks the potential

LapWall releases its Q3 business review on the 29th of October. We expect relatively steady development despite the challenging market. In addition to the figures, our focus lies on order development and market commentary.

Preview |
LapWall - The installation work of the wooden element manufacturer is underway at the construction site.
Lap Wall primary logo
LapWall - All the elements for success

We initiate coverage of LapWall with a BUY-rating and TP of EUR 3.8. The sluggish residential construction market at present offers a buying opportunity as the company's valuation seems modest considering the cycle-low earnings. 

Company report |

Annual financials

Quarterly financials


Equity and liabilities






Annual and sustainability reports

Company news

No news data available.

Shareholders Date % of Shares % of Votes
Pekkarinen Jarmo Tapio 31.01.2024 18.6% 18.6%
Pekkarinen Timo Jaakko 31.01.2024 15.5% 15.5%
Ahola Tuomas Veli 31.01.2024 13.6% 13.6%
Pohjanmaan Arvo Sijoitusosuuskunta 31.01.2024 10.4% 10.4%
Pekkarinen Janne Petteri 31.01.2024 6.6% 6.6%
Alquila Oy 31.01.2024 3.9% 3.9%
Antti Pekkarinen 31.01.2024 2.8% 2.8%
Viljamaa Kari Tapio 31.01.2024 2.7% 2.7%
Suomen Teollisuussijoitus Oy 31.01.2024 2% 2%
Ahti Väisänen 31.01.2024 1.9% 1.9%

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Company Facts

CEO Jarmo Pekkarinen
CFO Tuomo Riihonen
Market cap (EURm) 51


Guidance 2024: Net sales EUR 43-48m, EBITA EUR 4.3-4.8m.

Financial targets

Net sales of over EUR 70m by the end of 2026. Mid-term EBITA-margin at 12-15%. Dividend payout ratio of 30-50%. 

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