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Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.


Finland's largest renovation services company

Equity Research
Company publications
Share price


Consti is one of the leading renovation and technical service companies in Finland. Consti has a comprehensive service offering covering technical building services, residential pipeline renovation, renovation contracting, building facade repair and maintenance, and other renovation and technical services for residential and non-residential properties. Consti was established in 2008 to meet the growing need for repair and construction work.
Consti should seek to maintain the achieved healthier levels of profitability after a period of weaker profitability during previous 2017-2019 driven by a number of weak margin projects. The backlog is still at healthy levels which supports near-term development. The long-term market outlook remains favourable due to among other things a large aging building stock, and the renovation market is expected to see steady low single-digit growth.

Financial overview

Equity research

Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - In line with estimates

Consti's net sales in Q3 amounted to EUR 86.0m, slightly above our estimates (Evli est. EUR 85.1m.), with decline of 4.3% y/y.  EBIT amounted to EUR 3.4m, in line with our estimates.

Earnings Flash |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Facing tougher comparables

Consti reports its Q3/24 results on Friday 25th of October. Consti’s Q3 last year was strong partly due to non-recurring gain on business sale. Despite the tougher comparison period, we expect a solid quarter. 

Preview |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Showing resilience

Consti’s Q2 results beat our estimates for both net sales and EBIT. The company showed resilience in a tough market as the Building Technology and Public Sector business areas delivered even stronger growth than expected. Despite positive results for Q2, the market continues to be challenging for the rest of the year.

Company update |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Impressive volume growth

Consti's net sales in Q2 amounted to EUR 82.9m, above our estimates (Evli est. EUR 75.9m.), with growth of 9.4% y/y.  EBIT amounted to EUR 3.0m, also above our estimates (Evli est. EUR 2.5m). 

Earnings Flash |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Awaiting better market conditions

Consti reports its Q2 results on Friday 19th of July. Our main interest on the report lies on the order intake, which has traditionally been the strongest during the second quarter. Market conditions remain challenging while the backlog is still on a healthy level for FY 2024.

Preview |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Short-term headwinds mask the potential
Consti’s backlog for 2024 coupled with a robust balance sheet protects it from short-term market turbulence while the long-term case backed by fundamental market trends remains intact. We retain BUY-rating with a TP of EUR 12.0.
Company report |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Onwards in a tough market
Consti’s Q1 net sales beat our estimates slightly while operative profitability missed by only a small margin. Order intake was on the softer side, yet backlog remains robust.
Company update |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Order intake on the softer side
Consti's net sales in Q1 amounted to EUR 65.5m, only slightly higher than our estimate (Evli est. EUR 64.5m.), with decline of 4.9% y/y. EBIT amounted to EUR 0.2m, weaker than our estimates (Evli est. EUR 0.5m).
Earnings Flash |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Slower start to the year expected
Consti reports its Q1/24 results on 25th of April. We expect continued sales decline during the seasonally slow Q1 as a result of the strong comparison period Q1/23 and lower order intake during H2/23.
Preview |
Consti - Helsinki rail way station during renovation. Photo: Pasi Salminen.
Consti - Market presents some challenges
Consti’s Q4 figures missed our estimates mainly due to lower volumes than expected. The company expects EBIT of EUR 9-12m for 2024, the range is rather conservative in our view and reflects the low visibility to market development.
Company update |

Annual financials

Quarterly financials


Equity and liabilities






Annual and sustainability reports

Company news

CONSTI PLC INTERIM REPORT 25 OCTOBER 2024, at 8.30 a.m.                                            

Consti Plc Interim Report for January – September 2024                                     


7–9/2024 highlights (comparison figures in parenthesis 7–9/2023):

  • Net sales EUR 86.0 (89.9) million; change -4.3%
  • EBITDA EUR 4.4 (5.7) million and EBITDA margin 5.1% (6.3%)
  • Operating result (EBIT) EUR 3.4 (4.8) million and EBIT margin 3.9% (5.3%)
  • Order backlog EUR 250.4 (247.3) million; growth 1.3 %
  • Order intake EUR 64.8 (23.2) million; growth 178.8%
  • Free cash flow EUR 1.7 (7.1) million
  • Earnings per share EUR 0.31 (0.47)

1–9/2024 highlights (comparison figures in parenthesis 1–9/2023):

  • Net sales EUR 234.4 (234.5) million; change -0.1%
  • EBITDA EUR 9.7 (11.0) million and EBITDA margin 4.1% (4.7%)
  • Operating result (EBIT) EUR 6.6 (8.4) million and EBIT margin 2.8% (3.6%)
  • Order intake EUR 191.9 (188.4) million; growth 1.8%
  • Free cash flow EUR 2.4 (10.3) million
  • Earnings per share EUR 0.58 (0.79)


Guidance on the Group outlook for 2024:
Consti estimates that its operating result for 2024 will be in the range of EUR 9–12 million.




Change %



Change %


Net sales



-4.3 %



-0.1 %





-23.3 %



-12.6 %


EBITDA margin, %

5.1 %

6.3 %


4.1 %

4.7 %


5.0 %

Operating result (EBIT)



-29.3 %



-22.1 %


Operating result (EBIT) margin, %

3.9 %

5.3 %


2.8 %

3.6 %


3.9 %

Profit/loss for the period



-32.0 %



-25.5 %


Order backlog






1.3 %


Free cash flow



-76.1 %



-76.6 %


Cash conversion, %

39.0 %

125.2 %


24.8 %

92.9 %


82.2 %

Net interest-bearing debt








Gearing, %




7.2 %

-7.2 %


-2.3 %

Return on investment, ROI %




18.4 %

23.1 %


20.8 %

Number of personnel at period end






8.3 %


Earnings per share, undiluted (EUR)



-34.0 %



-26.6 %



CEO Esa Korkeela’s comment

"Consti’s solid performance continued in the third quarter of the year. Our third-quarter net sales decreased by 4.3 percent to EUR 86.0 (89.9) million. The strong growth in the Building Technology business area continued during the quarter, growing by 34.5 percent. In the Public Sector business area, net sales grew by 2.7 percent, while in the Corporations and Housing Companies business areas, net sales decreased compared to the reference period. Our net sales for January-September remained at last year’s level and was EUR 234.4 (234.5) million.

Our operating result for July-September was EUR 3.4 (4.8) million, which is 3.9 (5.3) percent of net sales. Operationally, the third quarter of the year proceeded in line with our expectations, with projects progressing predominantly as planned. Profitability remained stable compared to the reference period adjusted for the gain recorded from the sale of the property-related relining business. Our relative profitability in the third quarter was mainly affected by changes in the relative net sales shares of our business areas in comparison with the reference period, the lower level of net sales, and also partly by allocation of resources in tendering and negotiation activities to secure our order backlog. Our balance sheet and liquidity position at the end of the review period remained at a good level.

During July-September, our order intake amounted to EUR 64.8 (23.2) million, which represents a 178.8 percent increase compared to the weak reference period. Although tightened competition and weakened demand affected our order intake, we are satisfied with the total number and quality of the orders received. The distribution of orders between business areas and units was not optimally realised during the reporting period, and we have targeted adjustment measures at some of our units. Our order backlog at the end of the review period increased by 1.3 percent compared to the reference period and was EUR 250.4 (247.3) million.

The implementation of our strategy, published in February 2024, is underway. During the reporting period, we continued our efforts aiming for the growth of our Building Technology business area. Our operational efficiency improvement initiatives continued to focus on ensuring the performance of our business in the prevailing operating environment, emphasizing, among other things, bidding activities and improving the efficiency of our production.

Based on our current market outlook, we expect demand for renovation and building technology services to remain weak in 2024. According to forecasts, renovation is expected to contract by about 4 percent in 2024. The significant weakening of demand for new construction has clearly increased competition for renovation projects and building technology contracts.

In the third quarter, the readiness for renovation investments in housing companies and the public sector has remained at a reasonable level in our operating areas, but private real estate investment companies have remained cautious about launching new construction projects. However, we believe that the prevailing market conditions favour a versatile construction and building technology expert like Consti, which has a strong financial position and the ability to deliver diverse projects ranging from small service contracts to extensive construction projects.

We do not expect a significant improvement in the demand outlook for construction in the last quarter of the year. However, supported by our healthy order backlog, we aim to continue delivering solid results and focus on implementing our updated strategy.”

Operating environment 

Construction market 2024-25

The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT estimates in its September 2024 review that the total volume of construction will decrease by about 7 percent in 2024 compared to last year. Based on RT’s forecast, the volume of renovation is expected to decrease by about 4 percent and new housing construction by about 26 percent in 2024. Like new construction, renovation has suffered from rapidly rising construction costs and interest rates, as well as tighter availability of financing, especially outside growth centres.

According to RT’s forecast, the total volume of construction is expected to grow by about 4 percent in 2025. Renovation is forecast to grow by 1 percent and new housing construction by about 15 percent in 2025.

The Confederation of Finnish Construction Industries RT estimates that the decline in renovation will continue into the second half of this year but predicts that the decrease in costs and interest rates will improve the conditions for renovation already during the end of the year. In addition, the demand for renovation may be accelerated by the shift in demand towards old properties instead of new construction.

The renovation market in general

The demand for renovation has been steady in Finland for a long time, and the market value of renovation is almost the same as that of new construction. In 2023, the value of residential building renovation remained on level with the previous year, i.e. around EUR 9 billion. The value of other renovation was still around EUR 6 billion.

Nearly two-thirds of renovation involve residential properties, with over half of them being professional renovation. In residential renovation, there is a notable emphasis on building technology, constituting around 40 percent of the total value of renovation.

The renovation market encompasses not only technical repairs related to building age but also significant building purpose modifications, for example, converting old, underutilised office properties into hotels or apartments, or improving usability by renewing layouts.

Approximately one-fifth of all renovation is maintenance and upkeep, with a higher-than-average share in non-residential properties. 

In needs-based renovation, facade repairs and pipeline renovation are the largest projects for residential buildings. The number and value of pipeline renovation have been growing faster than other renovation for a long time, and this growth is expected to continue for a few more years. The growth is sustained by the large number of residential buildings that have reached the age when pipeline renovation are required. For a long time, apartment buildings built in the 1960s had the most building technology renovation. Now, properties built in the 1970s, which have the largest number of dwellings in terms of floor area, and partly properties from the 1980s, which are the most numerous due to e.g., the large number of terraced house construction, have reached renovation age. In addition to addressing technical repair needs, building technology enhancements improve living comfort.

Together with pipeline renovation, the increase in heating costs and the green transition contribute to growth in the building technology market. While energy efficiency has so far been primarily addressed alongside other renovation, the rising cost of energy and carbon neutrality goals have increased interest in separate energy renovation.

Besides building technology renovation, many housing companies have a growing need for facade renovation, which have often been neglected due to financial reasons in favour of pipeline renovation. Climate change significantly increases the demand for facade renovation and related maintenance services. The importance of roofs, eaves, cladding, and intact facades grows as winters become wetter, slanting rainfall increases and extreme weather phenomena intensify.  The need for facade renovation is also heightened by the large number of residential buildings from the 1970s and 1980s reaching the renovation age.

In addition to renovation related to building technology and environmental goals, the need for renovation in commercial and office premises is increased by changes in space needs.

The need for renovation is sustained by both the aging building stock and global megatrends such as urbanisation, an aging population, changes in working habits and retail, and sustainability goals. Renovation play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint of the built environment, as the number of new buildings increases by only about one percent annually.

In Finland, both new construction and renovation are still strongly concentrated in growth centres.

Outlook for the 2024

The volume of housing construction in Finland is expected to decrease by about 8 percent in 2024 compared to last year. The volume of new construction is forecast to decrease by about 12 percent and the volume of renovation by 4 percent in 2024.

Consti expects demand for renovation and building technology services to weaken in 2024. The significant weakening of demand for new construction has clearly increased competition for renovation projects and building technology contracts. In January-September 2024, the readiness of housing companies and the public sector to invest in renovations has remained at a reasonable level in Consti’s operating areas, but private real estate investment companies have continued to be cautious about starting new construction projects. The demand outlook for construction is weakened by persistently high construction costs and interest rates, as well as tighter availability of financing, and Consti does not expect a significant improvement in the last quarter of the year.

Despite the market situation, Consti aims to continue solid performance supported by a healthy order backlog during the rest of the year 2024.

Consti estimates that its operating result for 2024 will be in the range of EUR 9-12 million.

Press conference

Microsoft Teams meeting for analysts, portfolio managers and media representatives, will take place 25 October 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (EET). The meeting will be hosted by CEO Esa Korkeela and CFO Anders Löfman.

Financial communication in 2025

Consti Plc’s Financial Statements for 2024 will be published 7 February 2025.

The electronic version of the annual report, which includes the full financial statements for 2024, will be published in week 11/2025.

Consti Plc’s Annual General Meeting for 2025 is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 3 April 2025 in Helsinki.

Consti Plc shall publish three interim reports during 2025:

  • Interim report 1-3/2025 published 25 April 2025
  • Half-year financial report 1-6/2025 published 18 July 2025
  • Interim report 1-9/2025 published 24 October 2025


Further information:

Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568

Anders Löfman, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 572 6619  


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media


Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.




Record and payment dates for Consti Plc’s second dividend instalment for the financial year 2023

In the Annual General Meeting of Consti Plc held on 3 April 2024, it was resolved that based on the adopted balance sheet for the financial year 2023, a dividend of EUR 0.70 per share shall be paid in two instalments. The first instalment of EUR 0.40 per share was paid on 12 April 2024. The second instalment, EUR 0.30 per share, will be paid to shareholders registered in the shareholders’ register maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd on the record date of the dividend. It was resolved in the Annual General Meeting that Consti Plc’s Board of Directors shall decide on the record date and payment date of the second instalment of the dividend in its meeting scheduled for 24 October 2024.

The Board of Directors has on 24 October 2024 resolved in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting that the dividend payment date for the second dividend instalment of EUR 0.30 per share shall be 4 November 2024. The ex-dividend date for the second instalment shall be 25 October 2024 and dividend record date 28 October 2024.


Consti Plc

Board of Directors



Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568

Anders Löfman, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 572 6619


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media


Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Consti Plc's Interim Report for January-September 2024 to be published on 25 October 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

Consti Plc's Interim Report for January-September 2024 to be published on 25 October 2024 at 8:30 a.m. Finnish time (EET). The report will be available on the company's investor site at after publishing.

Briefing for analysts, portfolio managers and media representatives will take place on the same day, 25 October 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (EET) via Teams. The briefing will be hosted by CEO Esa Korkeela and CFO Anders Löfman.

Analysts, portfolio managers and media representatives are kindly requested to register for the briefing no later than Thursday 24 October 2024 at 12.00 noon by sending an email to The participation link will be sent to registered participants during the afternoon of Thursday 24 October 2024.

The presentation material (in English) will be published on the company's investor site after the presentation.



Further information:

Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568

Anders Löfman, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 572 6619



Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media

Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Consti Plc's financial reporting and Annual General Meeting in 2025

Consti Plc's Financial Statements Bulletin for 2024 will be published on 7 February 2025. The electronic version of the Annual Report, which includes the full financial statements for 2024 will be published in week 11/2025.

Consti Plc's Annual General Meeting for 2025 is scheduled to take place on Thursday, 3 April 2025 in Helsinki.

Consti shall publish three Interim Reports during 2025:

  • Interim Report for January-March published on 25 April 2025
  • Half-Year Financial Report for January-June published on 18 July 2025
  • Interim Report for January-September published on 24 October 2025

Consti observes a 30-day closed period preceding the publication of its Financial Statements Bulletin and Interim Reports. During this time the company's representatives do not comment on the company's financial position or future outlook and do not meet with representatives of the capital markets or financial media.



Further information:

Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568

Anders Löfman, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 572 6619


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media


Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Change in Consti Group’s Management Team: Pirkka Lähteinen appointed as Business Area Director of Corporations; Jukka Mäkinen will retire

Pirkka Lähteinen (born 1977, B.Eng.), has been appointed as Business Area Director of Corporations. Lähteinen has worked as Regional Director of Corporations since 2019, and as a member of Consti Group’s Management Team since 2009.

Pirkka Lähteinen will assume his position on 1 September 2024 and he will report to Esa Korkeela, CEO of Consti Group.

Jukka Mäkinen, the acting Business Area Director of Corporations, has announced his retirement by the end of November 2024. Mäkinen's membership in Consti Group's Management Team will end on 31 August 2024, after which he will act as an advisor at Consti until his retirement.

”I would like to warmly thank Jukka for his more than 10-year career at Consti and all the work done for our company,” says CEO Esa Korkeela.

The CVs and photos of Consti Group’s Management team are available on Consti’s Investor site at:


Additional information

Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd. 

Major media

Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Consti Plc: Notice pursuant to the Finnish Securities Market Act, Chapter 9, Section 10

Consti Plc ("Consti") has received an announcement from Risto Kivi ("Kivi") on 6 August 2024, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5.

According to the announcement, the number of Consti shares and votes owned by Kivi increased above five (5) per cent of the share capital of Consti on 1 July 2024.

Total position of Kivi subject to the notification:



% of shares and voting rights

% of shares and voting rights through financial instruments

% of total

Total number of shares and voting rights of issuer

Resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reached

5.04 %


5.04 %


Position of previous notification (if applicable)




Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was reached:

A: shares and voting rights

Class / type of shares

Number of shares and voting rights

% of shares and voting rights

Direct (SMA 9:5)

Indirect (SMA 9:6 and 9:7)

Direct (SMA 9:5)

Indirect (SMA 9:6 and 9:7)




5.04 %





5.04 %





Further information:

Anders Löfman, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 572 6619



Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media


Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology.  

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.  


Subscription of Shares with Stock Options 2020

Between 8 June 2024 and 30 June 2024, a total of 5,831 Consti Ltd new shares have been subscribed for with the company's stock options 2020. The subscription price, a total of EUR 27,988.80, has been booked in the invested non-restricted equity.

The subscribed new shares have been registered with the Trade Register on July 29, 2024. After the registrations, the total number of shares in the Company is now 8,016,567 shares.

The new shares will be available for public trading on the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd together with the old shares approximately as of July 30, 2024.

The share subscription period for with stock options 2020 has ended on 30 June, 2024.

Additional information on the stock option programs is available in the Company’s website,


Further information:

Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media

Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI. 


Consti Plc Half-Year Financial Report for January – June 2024    


4–6/2024 highlights (comparison figures in parenthesis 4–6/2023):

  • Net sales EUR 82.9 (75.7) million; growth 9.4%
  • EBITDA EUR 4.0 (3.9) million and EBITDA margin 4.8% (5.1%)
  • Operating result (EBIT) EUR 3.0 (3.0) million and EBIT margin 3.6% (4.0%)
  • Order backlog EUR 261.2 (297.9) million; change -12.3 %
  • Order intake EUR 90.8 (106.5) million; change -14.8%
  • Free cash flow EUR 1.2 (4.1) million
  • Earnings per share EUR 0.27 (0.29)


1–6/2024 highlights (comparison figures in parenthesis 1–6/2023):

  • Net sales EUR 148.4 (144.7) million; growth 2.6%
  • EBITDA EUR 5.3 (5.3) million and EBITDA margin 3.6% (3.7%)
  • Operating result (EBIT) EUR 3.2 (3.7) million and EBIT margin 2.2% (2.5%)
  • Order intake EUR 127.1 (165.2) million; change -23.1%
  • Free cash flow EUR 0.7 (3.1) million
  • Earnings per share EUR 0.27 (0.33)


Guidance on the Group outlook for 2024:
Consti estimates that its operating result for 2024 will be in the range of EUR 9–12 million.




Change %



Change %


Net sales



9.4 %



2.6 %





3.3 %



-1.2 %


EBITDA margin, %

4.8 %

5.1 %


3.6 %

3.7 %


5.0 %

Operating result (EBIT)



-0.9 %



-12.7 %


Operating result (EBIT) margin, %

3.6 %

4.0 %


2.2 %

2.5 %


3.9 %

Profit/loss for the period



-2.9 %



-16.1 %


Order backlog






-12.3 %


Free cash flow



-70.5 %



-77.8 %


Cash conversion, %

30.3 %

105.8 %


13.1 %

58.5 %


82.2 %

Net interest-bearing debt






-43.9 %


Gearing, %




9.6 %

20.6 %


-2.3 %

Return on investment, ROI %




21.9 %

20.9 %


20.8 %

Number of personnel at period end






3.3 %


Earnings per share, undiluted (EUR)



-6.9 %



-18.2 %




CEO Esa Korkeela’s comment

“Consti's solid performance continued in the second quarter. Our second-quarter net sales increased by 9.4 percent and were EUR 82.9 (75.7) million. Our net sales grew strongly in the Public Sector and Building Technology business areas but contracted in the Housing Companies business area. Net sales for our Corporations business area remained almost at the same level with the previous year.

Our operating result for April–June was EUR 3.0 (3.0) million, representing 3.6 (4.0) percent of net sales. Operationally, the second quarter of the year proceeded in line with our expectations, with projects progressing predominantly as planned. Profitability remained stable compared to the corresponding period. Our relative profitability in the second quarter was mainly affected by changes in the relative net sales shares of business areas in comparison with the reference period, and also partly by allocation of resources in tendering and negotiation activities to secure our order backlog. Our balance sheet and liquidity position at the end of the review period remained at a good level.

During April-June, our order intake amounted to EUR 90.8 (106.5) million, which means a decrease of 14.8 percent relative to the strong benchmark period. In April-June, we continued our active but disciplined tendering activities. Although the tightened competition and weakened demand affected our order intake, we are satisfied with the total amount and quality of orders received. The distribution of orders between business areas and units was not optimally realised during the review period. The majority of our order intake in the second quarter consists of several smaller projects. Our order backlog at the end of the review period decreased by 12.3 percent year-on-year and was EUR 261.2 (297.9) million. 

We published our updated strategy in February 2024. The implementation of our updated strategy is now underway, and our work to deploy the strategy is progressing by business area according to our plans. During the review period, we continued our long-term investments in the growth of our Building Technology business area and achieved growth of 58.7 percent compared to the corresponding period. Our operational efficiency improvement initiatives focused on ensuring the performance of our business in the prevailing operating environment, with an emphasis on, among other things, tendering and improving the efficiency of our production, as well as achieving a more consistent performance level of our project deliveries. 

Based on our current market outlook, we expect demand for renovation and building technology services to weaken in 2024. According to forecasts, renovation is expected to contract by about 0.4 percent in 2024. The strong weakening of demand for new construction has clearly increased competition for renovation projects and building technology contracts.

In the first half of 2024, the readiness of housing companies and the public sector for renovation investments has remained at a reasonable level in our operating areas, but private real estate investment companies have been cautious about launching new construction projects. However, we believe that the prevailing market conditions favour a versatile construction and building technology expert like Consti, which has a strong financial position and the ability to deliver diverse projects ranging from small service contracts to extensive construction projects.

The demand outlook for construction is weakened by persistently high construction costs, rapidly increased interest rates and tighter availability of financing, and we do not anticipate significant improvement during the third quarter of the year. Supported by a healthy order backlog, we aim to continue delivering solid results and focus on implementing our updated strategy.”


Operating environment

Construction market 2024–2025

Construction market research institute Euroconstruct estimated in its June 2024 report that the volume for Building construction output will decline by 6.4% in 2024. According to Euroconstruct's forecast, the new construction volume is estimated to decline by around 12.5 percent and the renovation volume by 0.4 percent in 2024.

For the year 2025, Euroconstruct predicts that renovation volumes will increase by 0.5 percent. The report estimates that there is potential for even higher growth due to the needs-based nature of renovation, as factors that slow down demand ease.

The renovation market in general

The demand for renovation has been steady in Finland for a long time, and the market value of renovation is almost the same as that of new construction. In 2023, the value of residential building renovation remained on level with the previous year, i.e. around EUR 9 billion. The value of other renovation was still around EUR 6 billion.

Nearly two-thirds of renovation involve residential properties, with over half of them being professional renovation. In residential renovation, there is a notable emphasis on building technology, constituting around 40 percent of the total value of renovation.

The renovation market encompasses not only technical repairs related to building age but also significant building purpose modifications, for example, converting old, underutilised office properties into hotels or apartments, or improving usability by renewing layouts.

Approximately one-fifth of all renovation is maintenance and upkeep, with a higher-than-average share in non-residential properties. 

In needs-based renovation, facade repairs and pipeline renovation are the largest projects for residential buildings. The number and value of pipeline renovation have been growing faster than other renovation for a long time, and this growth is expected to continue for a few more years. The growth is sustained by the large number of residential buildings that have reached the age when pipeline renovation are required. For a long time, apartment buildings built in the 1960s had the most building technology renovation. Now, properties built in the 1970s, which have the largest number of dwellings in terms of floor area, and partly properties from the 1980s, which are the most numerous due to e.g., the large number of terraced house construction, have reached renovation age. In addition to addressing technical repair needs, building technology enhancements improve living comfort.

Together with pipeline renovation, the increase in heating costs and the green transition contribute to growth in the building technology market. While energy efficiency has so far been primarily addressed alongside other renovation, the rising cost of energy and carbon neutrality goals have increased interest in separate energy renovation.

Besides building technology renovation, many housing companies have a growing need for facade renovation, which have often been neglected due to financial reasons in favour of pipeline renovation. Climate change significantly increases the demand for facade renovation and related maintenance services. The importance of roofs, eaves, cladding, and intact facades grows as winters become wetter, slanting rainfall increases and extreme weather phenomena intensify.  The need for facade renovation is also heightened by the large number of residential buildings from the 1970s and 1980s reaching the renovation age.

In addition to renovation related to building technology and environmental goals, the need for renovation in commercial and office premises is increased by changes in space needs.

The need for renovation is sustained by both the aging building stock and global megatrends such as urbanisation, an aging population, changes in working habits and retail, and sustainability goals. Renovation play a crucial role in reducing the carbon footprint of the built environment, as the number of new buildings increases by only about one percent annually.

In Finland, both new construction and renovation are still strongly concentrated in growth centres.

Outlook for 2024

In 2024, the Building construction output in Finland is estimated to decrease by approximately 6.4 percent from the previous year. New construction is predicted to decline by approximately 12.5 percent and renovation by 0.4 percent in 2024.

Consti anticipates a decline in demand for renovation and building technology services in 2024. The significant weakening in demand for new construction has notably intensified competition for renovation projects and building technology contracts. In the first half of 2024, the readiness of housing companies and the public sector for renovation investments has remained at a reasonable level in Consti’s operating areas, but private real estate investment companies have been cautious about initiating new construction projects.

The demand outlook for construction is weakened by persistently high construction costs, rapidly increased interest rates and tighter availability of financing, and Consti does not anticipate significant improvement during the third quarter of the year.

Despite the market conditions, Consti aims to continue its solid performance supported by a healthy order backlog in 2024.

Consti estimates that its operating result for 2024 will be in the range of EUR 9–12 million.

Press conference

Microsoft Teams meeting for analysts, portfolio managers and media representatives, will take place 19 July 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (EET). The meeting will be hosted by CEO Esa Korkeela and CFO Anders Löfman.

Analysts, portfolio managers and media representatives are kindly requested to register for the meeting no later than Thursday 18 July 2024 at 12.00 p.m. by sending an email to A link to the meeting will be sent to registered participants during the afternoon of Thursday 18 July 2024.

Financial communication in 2024

Consti Plc shall publish one more interim report during 2024:

  • Interim report 1–9/2024 published 25 October 2024




Further information:

Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568

Anders Löfman, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 572 6619



Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media


Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology. 

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.



CONSTI PLC INVESTOR NEWS 10 JULY 2024, at 2:30 p.m.

Consti Plc's Half Year Financial Report for January-June 2024 to be published on 19 July 2024 at 8:30 a.m.

Consti Plc's Half Year Financial Report for January-June 2024 will be published on Friday 19 July 2024 at 8:30 a.m. Finnish time (EET). The report will be available on the company's investor site at after publishing.

Microsoft Teams meeting for analysts, portfolio managers and media representatives will take place on the same day, 19 July 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (EET). The meeting will be hosted by CEO Esa Korkeela and CFO Anders Löfman.

Analysts, portfolio managers and media representatives are kindly requested to register for the meeting no later than Thursday 18 July 2024 at 12.00 noon by sending an email to A link to the meeting will be sent to registered participants during the afternoon of Thursday 18 July 2024.

The presentation material (in English) will be published on the company's investor site after the presentation.




Further information:

Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568

Anders Löfman, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 572 6619



Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media

Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology.

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Subscription of Shares with Stock Options 2020

Between 21 February 2024 and 7 June 2024, a total of 31,897 Consti Plc (“Company”) new shares have been subscribed for with the company's stock options 2020. The subscription price, a total of EUR 153,105.60, has been recognised in the invested non-restricted equity.

The subscribed new shares have been registered with the Trade Register on 1 July 2024. After the registrations, the total number of shares in the Company is now 8,010,736 shares.

The new shares will be available for public trading on the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd together with the old shares approximately as of 2 July 2024.

Additional information on the stock option programs is available on the Company’s investor site,



Further information:

Esa Korkeela, CEO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 40 730 8568


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media


Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology. 

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Consti Oyj - Managers' Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Risto Kivi
Position: Other senior manager
Issuer: Consti Oyj
Reference number: 66675/4/4

Transaction date: 2024-06-18
Outside a trading venue
Instrument type: SHARE
ISIN: FI4000178256
Nature of transaction: SUBSCRIPTION 
(X) Linked to stock option programme 

Transaction details
(1): Volume: 11500 Unit price: 4.8 EUR 

Aggregated transactions (1): 
Volume: 11500 Volume weighted average price: 4.8 EUR


Further information:
Joni Sorsanen, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 50 443 3045

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Major media

Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology. 

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Consti Plc - Managers' Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Heikki Untamala
Position: Other senior manager
Issuer: Consti Plc
Reference number: 64033/4/4

Transaction date: 2024-05-22
Outside a trading venue
Name of the instrument: Consti Plc stock options 2020 
Nature of transaction: DISPOSAL 
(X) Linked to stock option programme 

Transaction details
(1): Volume: 2719 Unit price: 4.615 EUR 

Aggregated transactions (1): 
Volume: 2719 Volume weighted average price: 4.615 EUR


Further information:
Joni Sorsanen, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 50 443 3045

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Major media

Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology. 

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Consti Plc - Managers' Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Jukka Mäkinen
Position: Other senior manager
Issuer: Consti Plc
Reference number: 64023/5/4

Transaction date: 2024-05-22
Outside a trading venue
Name of the instrument: Consti Plc stock options 2020 
Nature of transaction: DISPOSAL 
(X) Linked to stock option programme 

Transaction details
(1): Volume: 5143 Unit price: 4.615 EUR 

Aggregated transactions (1): 
Volume: 5143 Volume weighted average price: 4.615 EUR


Further information:
Joni Sorsanen, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 50 443 3045

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Major media

Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology. 

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Consti Plc - Managers' Transactions

Person subject to the notification requirement
Name: Pirkka Lähteinen
Position: Other senior manager
Issuer: Consti Plc
Reference number: 64027/4/5

Transaction date: 2024-05-22
Outside a trading venue
Name of the instrument: Consti Plc stock options 2020 
Nature of transaction: DISPOSAL 
(X) Linked to stock option programme 

Transaction details
(1): Volume: 3000 Unit price: 4.615 EUR 

Aggregated transactions (1): 
Volume: 3000 Volume weighted average price: 4.615 EUR


Further information:
Joni Sorsanen, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 50 443 3045

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.
Major media

Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology. 

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.


Consti Plc: Notice pursuant to the Finnish Securities Market Act, Chapter 9, Section 10

Consti Plc ("Consti") has received an announcement from Elementa Management AB ("Elementa") on 22 May 2024, in accordance with the Finnish Securities Market Act Chapter 9, Section 5.

According to the announcement, the number of Consti shares and votes owned by Elementa decreased below five (5) per cent of the share capital of Consti on 22 May 2024.

Total position of Elementa subject to the notification:



% of shares and voting rights

% of shares and voting rights through financial instruments

% of total

Total number of shares and voting rights of issuer

Resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was crossed or reached

3.88 %


3.88 %


Position of previous notification (if applicable)

9.99 % 


9.99 %  


Notified details of the resulting situation on the date on which the threshold was reached:

A: shares and voting rights

Class / type of shares

Number of shares and voting rights

% of shares and voting rights

Direct (SMA 9:5)

Indirect (SMA 9:6 and 9:7)

Direct (SMA 9:5)

Indirect (SMA 9:6 and 9:7)




3.88 %





3.88 %


 Information in relation to the person subject to the notification obligation as contained in the notification:

Full chain of controlled undertakings through which the voting rights and/or the

financial instruments are effectively held starting with the ultimate controlling natural person or

legal entity:



% of shares and voting rights

% of shares and voting

rights through

financial instruments

Total of both

Elementa Management AB




Elementa Fund

3.88 %



 Consti Plc


Further information:

Joni Sorsanen, CFO, Consti Plc, Tel. +358 50 443 3045


Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd.

Major media


Consti is a leading Finnish company concentrating on renovation and technical services. Consti offers comprehensive renovation and building technology services and selected new construction services to housing companies, corporations, investors and the public sector in Finland’s growth centres. Company has four business areas: Housing Companies, Corporations, Public Sector and Building Technology. In 2023, Consti Group’s net sales amounted to 321 million euro. It employs approximately 1000 professionals in renovation construction and building technology. 

Consti Plc is listed on Nasdaq Helsinki. The trading code is CONSTI.  

Shareholders Date % of Shares % of Votes
Lujatalo Oy 30.09.2024 10.1% 10.1%
Heikintorppa Oy 30.09.2024 9.4% 9.4%
Wipunen Varainhallinta 30.09.2024 9.4% 9.4%
Fennia Life Insurance Company Ltd 30.09.2024 6.5% 6.5%
Korkeela Esa Sakari 30.09.2024 6% 6%
Kivi Risto Juhani 30.09.2024 5% 5%
Kalevo Markku 30.09.2024 3.7% 3.7%
Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company 30.09.2024 2.2% 2.2%
Drumbo Oy 30.09.2024 1.9% 1.9%
Erikoissijoitusrahasto Aktia Mikro Markka 30.09.2024 1.5% 1.5%

Equity Research Disclaimer

These research reports have been prepared by Evli Research Partners Plc (“ERP” or “Evli Research”). ERP is a subsidiary of Evli Plc.

None of the analysts contributing to this report, persons under their guardianship or corporations under their control have a position in the shares of the company or related securities. The date and time for any price of financial instruments mentioned in the recommendation refer to the previous trading day’s closing price(s) unless otherwise stated in the report. Each analyst responsible for the content of this report assures that the expressed views accurately reflect the personal views of each analyst on the covered companies and securities. Each analyst assures that (s)he has not been, nor are or will be, receiving direct or indirect compensation related to the specific recommendations or views contained in this report.

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This report is based on sources ERP considers to be correct and reliable. The sources include information providers Reuters and Bloomberg, stock-exchange releases from the companies and other company news, Statistics Finland and articles in newspapers and magazines. However, ERP does not guarantee the materialization, correctness, accuracy or completeness of the information, opinions, estimates or forecasts expressed or implied in the report. In addition, circumstantial changes may have an influence on opinions and estimates presented in this report. The opinions and estimates presented are valid at the moment of their publication and they can be changed without a separate announcement. Neither ERP nor any company within the Evli Group are responsible for amending, correcting or updating any information, opinions or estimates contained in this report. Neither ERP nor any company within the Evli Group will compensate any direct or consequential loss caused by or derived from the use of the information represented in this publication.

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Evli Plc is not registered as a broker-dealer with the U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), and it and its analysts are not subject to SEC rules on securities analysts’ certification as to the currency of their views reflected in the research report. Evli is not a member of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (“FINRA”). It and its securities analysts are not subject to FINRA’s rules on Communications with the Public and Research Analysts and Research Reports and the attendant requirements for fairness, balance and disclosure of potential conflicts of interest. This research report is only being offered in U.S. by Auerbach Grayson & Company, LLC (Auerbach Grayson) to Major U.S. Institutional Investors and is not available to, and should not be used by, any U.S. person or entity that is not a Major U.S. Institutional Investor. Auerbach Grayson is a broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and is a member of the FINRA. U.S. entities seeking more information about any of the issuers or securities discussed in this report should contact Auerbach Grayson. The securities of non-U.S. issuers may not be registered with or subject to SEC reporting and other requirements.

ERP is not a supervised entity but its parent company Evli Plc is supervised by the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority.

Company Facts

CEO Esa Korkeela
CFO Anders Löfman
IR Ismo Heikkilä
Market cap (EURm) 89
Industry Construction & Engineering


Consti estimates that its operating result for 2024 will be in the range of EUR 9–12 million.

Financial targets

Growth: Net sales growing faster than the market. Profitability: EBIT-margin exceeding 5 %. Cash flow: Cash conversion ratio exceeding 90 %. Capital Structure: Net debt to adjusted EBITDA ratio of less than 2.5x. Dividend:  At least 50 % t of the company's annual net profit

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