Suominen - Margin gains, volume losses
Volume declines in focus following the hiking of prices
In our view Suominen’s declining earnings trend bottomed out in Q1 as price hikes and stabilizing raw material costs drove improvement in gross margin. Q1’19 gross margin stood at 8.1%; we expect Q2 gross margin at 8.7%. However, the company lost significant delivery volumes. We estimate Suominen’s delivery volume losses amounted to some 9% in Q1; we expect losses of similar magnitude for the remainder of 2019. Our expectation for Q2 is EUR 113m in revenue and EUR 3.3m in EBIT.
Expect flat input costs and price hikes to lift ‘19e earnings
While the EURUSD exchange rate has remained steady during the last three months, European softwood pulp prices have declined further, by about 10%. The development is beneficial from Suominen’s point of view, softwood pulp being a key nonwovens raw material. Meanwhile polypropylene prices have increased by a roughly similar percentage. According to Lenzing, viscose and polyester prices remained stable during spring (development until Apr 15). All in all, raw material costs have been flat. We expect ‘19e revenue at EUR 436m and EBIT at EUR 13.3m, assuming stable input costs for the remainder of the year.
We leave our estimates intact ahead of the report
Suominen is valued at ca. 6.0x EV/EBITDA ‘19e (on our estimates) vs historical average of 6.5x. Suominen’s peer group multiples have gained during the last three months, and although there is still uncertainty concerning delivery volumes, we consider the current valuation undemanding. We retain our TP of EUR 2.85 per share, and thus our updated rating is BUY (HOLD).