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- Pihlajalinna - Investments are starting to pay off
Pihlajalinna - Investments are starting to pay off
Q2 results were overall quite close to estimates
Pihlajalinna grew 22% y/y; the EUR 174m revenue topped the EUR 170m/167m Evli/cons. estimates thanks to strong corporate as well as private customers, although the latter volumes are still lagging relative to 2019. Outsourcing profitability improved by EUR 0.7m y/y, despite continued high costs, due to efficiency measures, index adjustments and service fee refunds. H1 employee costs were exceptionally high by EUR 2.5m; the burden was slightly higher in Q1 than in Q2, but together with capacity additions (including four new private clinics) meant profitability excluding outsourcing fell by EUR 2.3m y/y in Q2. The EUR 16.9m adj. EBITDA was in line with estimates while the EUR 5.2m EBIT was a bit soft relative to the EUR 5.9m/6.3m Evli/cons. estimates.
We expect H2 improvement to be visible in Q4 profitability
Q3 absences have been lower so far, but the situation could again change over the fall. Capacity scales further up, however Pihlajalinna has already added most of its targeted level and hence higher utilization rates should drive profitability in H2. Pihlajalinna has also increased prices while inflation appears to be manageable. Q3 EBITA will remain burdened y/y, yet Q4 could achieve significant y/y improvement (Q4’21 was negatively affected, by some EUR 2m, by a spike in complete outsourcing specialized care costs while Covid-19 services revenue was still at a high level). High demand continues to support profitability, and H2 tends to be seasonally favorable, but short-term cost issues and Pohjola Hospital’s improvement pace create some uncertainty around H2 results. Meanwhile NIBD/EBITDA has been elevated, at least in the short-term, due to the various recent investments for which Pihlajalinna now looks to reap gains.
Long-term margin potential remains the big upside driver
We still don’t view the guidance challenging, although a positive revision may not arrive until around Q4; earnings growth should in any case continue next year. The 13x EV/EBIT valuation, on our FY ’23 estimates, is some 15% below peers’ while Pihlajalinna’s EBIT margin is likely to stay at least a third below a typical peer. Long-term upside potential hence continues to be meaningful. We revise our TP to EUR 12.5 (13.0) and retain our BUY rating.