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Exel Composites - Multiples are rerating

Exel’s record Q1 orders surprised. In our view the next quarters’ orders determine how much forward-look the multiples warrant. Our TP is EUR 11, now rate HOLD (BUY).

The EUR 42m order intake sets a new benchmark level

Exel’s Q1 revenue grew 11% y/y to EUR 31m and was a bit above our EUR 30m estimate. Customer industries performed close to our expectations while Asia-Pacific contributed most of the growth. Adj. EBIT was EUR 2.5m vs our EUR 2.4m estimate. Strong demand was to be expected, yet the EUR 42m order intake (up 22% y/y from a high comparison figure) is a record and can be compared to the EUR 30m level Exel has averaged in the recent past. The orders stemmed from many industries and no large orders drove the intake. Operations ran almost as usual despite the pandemic, raw materials, and logistics issues. Exel managed to balance its raw material pool across the eight plants.

Organic CAGR outlook now closer to 10% than 5%

Exel already saw some raw materials inflation affecting Q1 margins. We expect a more pronounced negative effect in Q2 (we now estimate 7.2% Q2 EBIT vs our prev. 10.4% estimate), but also see EBIT margins bounce back to ca. 9-10% levels in H2. Exel has been able to pass raw materials inflation forward before and this is to be expected again considering the value chain position. Profitability slope remains attractive especially if the Q1 order levels continue to persist over the summer. We don’t consider the EUR 42m figure just a fluke and even if Exel may not quite reach such high orders in the coming quarters we nevertheless see the company is now positioned for high single-digit organic CAGR for years to come. In our view Exel might well reach double-digit top line growth this year and we see such growth rates driving long-term EBIT margins meaningfully above 10%.

Earnings multiples have already rerated for a valid reason

Exel is valued ca. 9.5x EV/EBITDA and 15x EV/EBIT on our FY ’21 estimates. The multiples are a bit high compared to the historical respective averages of 8x and 13x but in our view warranted by the current growth prospects. Top line growth continues to drive profitability and the multiples are some 8.5x and 12x on our FY ’22 estimates. In our opinion the next few quarters’ orders will determine how much forward into the future the multiples may lean. We retain our EUR 11 TP, rating now HOLD (BUY).


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