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A woman walking with a small child in her arms on a footpath with green nature in the background.

Responsibility is at the core of Evli's strategy and is based on transparency and openness. Evli’s Responsible Investment Annual Review 2023 explains how Evli implemented responsible investing in 2023.

At Evli, responsible investment means taking the environmental, social and good governance issues into account in our investment activities. We want to grow our clients' wealth responsibly, which is why responsibility is integrated into our asset management investment activities.

In 2023, numerous actions were taken to develop responsible investing at Evli.

"During 2023, we developed our work on climate, biodiversity and human rights in particular. In terms of our climate work, we set more specific interim targets for the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative. We also joined the Nature Action 100, a global investor-led initiative, which focuses on driving greater corporate ambition and action to reduce nature loss. In addition, we published a biodiversity roadmap with the aim of achieving a better understanding of the biodiversity-related risks and impacts of investments. As part of our human rights work, we continued the research project we started with UNICEF Finland to find out how investors can promote children's rights,” says Evli’s Responsible Investment Senior Analyst Elina Niiranen.

During the year, Evli updated its climate change principles, especially related to exclusion and engagement. Evli aims to halve the carbon footprint of its investments by 2030 compared to the comparison year 2019. At the end of 2023, the carbon footprint of Evli's equity and corporate bond funds had decreased by 44.7 percent. Alternative investment funds also actively developed responsible investment practices.

Evli’s responsible investment performed excellently in external evaluations, too. Evli was placed first overall in sustainable investments expertise in Finland in the Kantar Prospera’s “External Asset Management 2023 Finland” survey. In the annual institutional investors’ SFR customer survey Evli was ranked second in responsible investment expertise in Finland among large asset management companies. 

Read more: 

Responsible Investment Annual Review 2023

More detailed figures on the responsibility of Evli's operations are presented in the Corporate Responsibility Report

Evli's Annual Report and Corporate Responsibility Report provide information on the key results of Evli's operations, and the progress made in responsibility in 2023. The Corporate Responsibility Report includes a GRI report which has been drawn up in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI), where applicable. The report also includes a Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report, in which Evli reports on the climate risks of its operations. Evli joined the TNFD Early Adopters in January 2024. In 2025, Evli will report based on the year 2024 according to the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) framework. TNFD is a market-led, science-based initiative that has developed a reporting framework on nature for financial institutions and organizations.

Read more:
Evli Plc’s Annual Report
Evli Plc’s Corporate Responsibility Report

For more information:
Elina Niiranen, Responsible Investment Analyst, Evli Plc, tel. +358 40 567 3446, 

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