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This is how you succeed with responsible investments.

1: Learn the terms

The field of ESG – taking environmental, social and governance factors into account in investing – is loaded with terminology and different kinds of strategies. Getting to know what methods like exclusion or positive screening mean will help you understand how investments are made and what to expect from fund managers.

evli esg 4 steps learn terms

Read more:

Institutional investor’s cheat sheet for ESG

Field guide to ESG



2: Know what you want

Once you’ve familiarized yourself with ESG and its methods, it is time to set some goals. What are your organization’s objectives when it comes to ESG investing? Will it be in the background of all investments while the main focus is on returns? Or are there values that override the quest for performance?

evli esg 4 steps know

Read more:

Finland’s state pension fund aims for sustainable profits

Taking the plunge – The key to successful ESG is knowing what you want.



3: Ask the right questions

After the goals are set, it is time to ask the right questions from the fund manager. Ask them about the details of the strategy, about where the data comes from, and whether there is active engagement with the companies in the portfolio.

The key to successful ESG is transparency. Make sure you get thorough and frequent reports on the ESG factors of the investments, as well as on your partner’s overall ESG activities.

evli esg 4 steps ask 

Read more:

Demand data, call for transparency


4: Act

Finally, it is time to take action. Even though the field of ESG is still taking shape and the methods of measuring the ESG efforts of different kinds of industries have not been perfected, we believe it’s better to act now than wait until everything is just right.

ESG is becoming the new normal. The more we take ESG into account in investments, the clearer it will become.

evli esg 4 steps act

Want to know more?

See how we, at Evli Fund Management, incorporate ESG in the investment process Video: Evli easy ESG and read the Evli Responsible investment report

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